
All Papers

4. C. Yang, P. A. Bhounsule,  Koopman Operator-Based Linear Model Predictive Control for 2D Quadruped Trotting, Bounding, and Gait Transition, American Controls Conference (ACC), Denver, CO, July 8-10, 2025.

3. C. Yang, P. A. Bhounsule, Koopman Operator-Based Linear Model Predictive Control for Quadruped Trotting, International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 19-23, 2025. (YouTube Video)

2. Md. S. Mondal, S. Ramasamy, J. F. Reddinger, J. M. Dotterweich, J. D. Humann, M. A. Childers, P. A. Bhounsule, Risk-Aware Energy-Constrained UAV-UGV Cooperative Routing using Attention-Guided Reinforcement Learning, International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 19-23, 2025. (YouTube Video)

1. Md. S. Mondal, S. Ramasamy, J. F. Reddinger, J. M. Dotterweich, J. D. Humann, M. A. Childers, P. A. Bhounsule, Cooperative Multi-Agent Planning Framework for Fuel Constrained UAV-UGV Routing Problem, J Intell Robot Syst 111, 12 (2025).

6. Md. S. Mondal, S. Ramasamy, J. F. Reddinger, J. M. Dotterweich, J. D. Humann, M. A. Childers, P. A. Bhounsule An Attention-aware Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for UAV-UGV Collaborative Route Planning, 2024 International Conference of Robots and Systems (IROS) Abu Dhabi, UAE. Oct 14-18, 2024. (YouTube Video)

5. S. Echeveste, Md. S. Mondal, S. Ramasamy, P. A. Bhounsule. Enhancing Hip Exoskeleton Tuning Performance with Machine Learning: An Anthropometric Data-Driven Approach, Modeling, Estimation and Controls Conference (MECC), Chicago, IL, USA, Oct 28-30, 2024.

4. C. Yang, P. A. Bhounsule. Robust Control using Control Lyapunov Function and Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability, Modeling, Estimation and Controls Conference (MECC), Chicago, IL, USA, Oct 28-30, 2024.

3. S. Ramasamy, Md. S. Mondal, J. F. Reddinger, J. M. Dotterweich, J. D. Humann, M. A. Childers, P. A. Bhounsule. Computationally Efficient Multi-Agent Optimization Framework for Online Routing of UAV-UGV System, IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) Bari, Italy, UAE. Aug 28 - Sep 1, 2024.

2. S. Ramasamy, Md. S. Mondal, J. F. Reddinger, J. M. Dotterweich, J. D. Humann, M. A. Childers, P. A. Bhounsule. Optimizing Routes of Heterogenous Unmanned Systems using Supervised Learning in a Multi-Agent Framework: A computational study, 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) Chania, Greece. June 4-7, 2024.

1. Md. S. Mondal, S. Ramasamy, J. F. Reddinger, J. M. Dotterweich, J. D. Humann, M. A. Childers, P. A. Bhounsule. A Robust UAV-UGV Collaborative Framework for Persistent Surveillance in Disaster Management Applications, 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) Chania, Greece. June 4-7, 2024.

9. Md. S. Mondal, S. Ramasamy, J. F. Reddinger, J. M. Dotterweich, J. D. Humann, M. A. Childers, P. A. Bhounsule. Optimizing Fuel-Constrained UAV-UGV Routes for Large Scale Coverage: Bilevel Planning in Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems, IEEE International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems, Dec 4-5 2023, Boston, MA, USA. (video).

8. P. A. Bhounsule, E. Hernandez-Hinojosa, Daniel Torres A. Alaeddini Task-level control and Poincare map-based sim-to-real transfer for effective command following of quadrupedal trot gait, In 2023 IEEE-RAS 22nd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Austin, TX, USA, Dec 12-13 2023. (video).

7. E. Hernandez-Hinojosa, P. A. Bhounsule, Data-driven Identification of a Non-homogeneous Inverted Pendulum Model for Enhanced Humanoid Control., In 2023 IEEE-RAS 22nd International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Austin, TX, USA, Dec 12-13 2023. (video).

6. J. Bittler, P. A. Bhounsule, Hybrid Unscented Kalman Filter: Application to the Simplest Walker, Modeling, Estimation and Controls Conference, Lake Tahoe, NV, USA, Oct 2-5, 2023.

5. S. Echeveste, E. Hernandez-Hinojosa, Optimal Swing Assistance Using A Hip Exoskeleton: Comparing Simulations With Hardware Implementation , ASME-International Design Engineering & Technical Conference, Boston, MA, USA, Aug 20-23, 2023.

4. D. Torres, E. Hernandez-Hinojosa, P. A. Bhounsule, Control of a Bipedal Walking Using Partial Feedback Linearization and Gaussian Process Regression-Based of the Step-to-Step Map , ASME-International Design Engineering & Technical Conference, Boston, MA, USA, Aug 20-23, 2023.

3. J. Krause, A. Alaeddini, P. A. Bhounsule, Gaussian Process Regression For Sim-to-real Transfer Of Hopping Gaits, ASME-International Design Engineering & Technical Conference, Boston, MA, USA, Aug 20-23, 2023. (video).

2. S. Ramasamy, Md. S. Mondal, J. F. Reddinger, J. M. Dotterweich, J. D. Humann, M. A. Childers, P. A. Bhounsule. Solving Vehicle Routing Problem For Unmanned Heterogeneous Vehicle Systems Using Asynchronous Multi-agent Architecture (A-teams), 2023 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) Warsaw, Poland. June 6-9, 2023.

1. Pranav A. Bhounsule, Chun-Ming Yang. A Simple Controller for Omnidirectional Trotting of Quadrupedal Robots: Command Following and Waypoint Tracking. Robotics 12, no. 2 (2023): 35. (video). Simulation code on Github.

5. Ernesto Hernandez Hinojosa, Daniel Torres, and Pranav A. Bhounsule. Quadratically constrained quadratic programs using approximations of the step-to-step dynamics: application on a 2D model of Digit. In 2022 IEEE-RAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), pp. 96-103. IEEE, 2022.

4. Ramasamy, Subramanian, Jean-Paul F. Reddinger, James M. Dotterweich, Marshal A. Childers, and Pranav A. Bhounsule. Coordinated Route Planning of Multiple Fuel-constrained Unmanned Aerial Systems with Recharging on an Unmanned Ground Vehicle for Mission Coverage. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 106, no. 1 (2022): 30.

3. Subramanian Ramasamy, Md Safwan Mondal, Jean-Paul F. Reddinger, James M. Dotterweich, James D. Humann, Marshal A. Childers, Pranav A. Bhounsule . Heterogenous vehicle routing: comparing parameter tuning using genetic algorithm and bayesian optimization , 2022 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) Dubrovnik, Croatia. June 21-24, 2022.

2. Pranav A. Bhounsule, Lorena Claeys, Belinda Harmon, Cynthia Lima, and Emily Young. Coding Camp for Middle School Girls Helps Improve Awareness of Science/Engineering Careers and Pathways , ASEE IL-IN 2022
1. Tom Bates, John Gerig, Manuel Avitia, Gunnar Waldvogel, Tesfay Legesse, Justin Washington, and Pranav A. Bhounsule. A High-Speed Launching Mechanism Inspired by a Slingshot Spider's Web. Journal of Bionic Engineering (2022): 1-8.

5. Echeveste Salvador, Ernesto Hernandez-Hinojosa, and Pranav A. Bhounsule 2021. Event-Based, Intermittent, Discrete Adaptive Control for Speed Regulation of Artificial Legs. Actuators 10, no. 10: 264.

4. Sanchez Sebastian* and Pranav A. Bhounsule, Design, Modeling, and Control of a Differential Drive Rimless Wheel That Can Move Straight and Turn, Automation 2, no. 3: 98-115. 2021 (video)
Appendix Robot code, Mechanical design, and simulation files on GitHub.

3. R. Meka, A. Alaeddini, C. Ovuegbe, P. A. Bhounsule, P. Najafirad, and K. Yang, Multi-Armed Bandit Regularized Expected Improvement for Efficient Global Optimization of Expensive Computer Experiments With Low Noise, in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 100125-100140, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3095755.

2. Subramanian Ramasamy*, Jean-Paul F. Reddinger, James M. Dotterweich, Marshal A. Childers, Pranav A. Bhounsule, Cooperative route planning of multiple fuel-constrained Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with recharging on an Unmanned Ground Vehicle, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft System (ICUAS 2021), June 15-18, 2021.

1. Ernesto Hernandez-Hinojosa*,  Aykut C. Satici, Pranav A. Bhounsule, Optimal Control of a 5-link biped using quadratic polynomial model of two-point boundary value problem, ASME-International Design Engineering & Technical Conference, (virtual),  Aug 17-20, 2021.

8. Pranav A. Bhounsule, Ernesto Hernandez-Hinojosa*, Adel Alaeddini One-Step Deadbeat Control of a 5-Link Biped Using Data-Driven Nonlinear Approximation of the Step-to-Step Dynamics. MDPI Robotics 9(4): 90, 2020.

7. Ali Zamani* and Pranav A. Bhounsule.  Nonlinear model predictive control of hopping model using approximate step-to-step models for navigation on complex terrain, IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Virtual Conference, October 25-29, 2020.

6. Ali Zamani* and Pranav A. Bhounsule.  Receding Horizon Control For A 2D Point-mass Hopping Model Navigating On Terrain With Stepping Stones and Stairs, ASME-Dynamics Systems and Controls Conference, Virtual Conference, October 5 - 7, 2020.

5. Sebastian Sanchez* and Pranav A. Bhounsule,  A differential drive rimless wheel that can move straight and turn, Intl. Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics,  Boston, MA July 6-10,  2020. (See publications in 2021 for extended journal version to MDPI Automation)

4. Pranav A. Bhounsule,  Myunghee Kim, Adel Alaeddini, Approximation of the Step-to-step Dynamics Enables Computationally Efficient and Fast Optimal Control of Legged Robots, ASME-International Design Engineering & Technical Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA,  Aug. 16-19, 2019.

3. Ezra Ameperosa* and Pranav A. Bhounsule, Domain randomization using deep neural networks for estimating positions of bolts, ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE) 2020.

2. Pranav A. Bhounsule, Ali Zamani*, Jeremy Krause*, Steven Farra^, Jason Pusey, Control policies for large region of attraction for dynamically balancing legged robots: a sampling-based approach,  Robotica, 39(1), 107-122, 2021.

1. Randall Manteufel, Amir Karimi, Pranav A. Bhounsule. Use of Phones and Online Tutors to Cheat on Engineering Exams American Society of Engineering Education Gulf-South West Section, University of New Mexico, NM, USA, April 23-24, 2020.

4. Christian Nall*, Pranav A. Bhounsule, A Miniature 3D Printed On-Off Linear Pneumatic Actuator and Its Demonstration into a Cartoon Character of a Hopping Lamp. Actuators 2019, 8, 72. (video)

3. Ezra Ameperosa*, Pranav A. Bhounsule, Domain randomization for detection and position estimation of multiples of a single object with applications to localizing bolts on structures, ASME-International Design Engineering & Technical Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA,  Aug. 18--21, 2019. (video) (Best paper at ASME IDETC/CIE 2019)

2. Wankun Sirichotiyakul,  Aykut C. Satici, Sebastian Sanchez*, Pranav A. Bhounsule, Energetically-optimal Discrete And Continuous Stabilization Of The Rimless Wheel With Torso, ASME-International Design Engineering & Technical Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA, Aug 18--21, 2019.

1. A. Zamani* and J. Galloway II^, P. A. Bhounsule, Feedback motion planning of legged robots by composing orbital Lyapunov functions using rapidly-exploring random trees, IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, Montreal, Canada, May 20-24, 2019 (video | GitHub)

8. A. Zamani*, P. A. Bhounsule, Control Synergies for Rapid Stabilization and Enlarged Region of Attraction for a Model of Hopping, Biomimetics 2018, 3(3), 25;

7. C. Lima, L. Claeys, and P. A. Bhounsule, Academy for Teacher Excellence: Promoting STEM Education and STEM Careers among Latinos Service Learning (Under) Represented Latins in STEM: Increasing Participation Throughout Education and the Work- place, Editors: Timothy T. Yuen, Emily P. Bonner, Maria G. Arreguin-Anderson. Publisher: Peter Lang Inc, 2018, ISBN. 978-1-4331-5176-7, DOI

6. F. Moreira^, A. Abundis^ M. Aguirre^, J. Castillo^, P. A. Bhounsule, An Inchworm-inspired Robot Based on Modular Body, Electronics and Passive Friction Pads Performing the Two-anchor Crawl Gait, Journal of Bionic Engineering, Volume 15, Issue 5, 2018, DOI (video)

5. C. L. Trevino*, J. D. Galloway II^, P. A. Bhounsule, A Three-Dimensional Printed, Non-Assembly, Passive Dynamic Walking Toy: Design and Analysis, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, doi:10.1115/1.4040634 2018 (appendix) (video | simulation validation video on YouTube | code on GitHub)

4. J. Krause*, P A. Bhounsule, A 3D Printed Linear Pneumatic Actuator for Position, Force and Impedance Control, Actuators 7(2), 24, 2018, doi:10.3390/act7020024

3. J. D. Galloway II ^, G. A. Rios^, Pranav A. Bhounsule, Mechanics And Control Of Pumping A Playground Swing And Robotic Implementation, UTSA Journal Of Undergraduate And Scholarly Works, Volume 3, 2018 (video)

2. P. A. Bhounsule, A. Zamani*, and J. Pusey, Switching between Limit Cycles in a Model of Running Using Exponentially Stabilizing Discrete Control Lyapunov Function, American Controls Conference (ACC), Milwaukee, WI, USA June 27 - 29, 2018 (video)

1. P. A. Bhounsule, A. Taha, and S. Nugruho, Control Systems and Robotics Outreach to Middle-school Girls: Approach, Results, and Suggestions, Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference The University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA April 4-6, 2018. (Paper award, 2nd place) (video | GitHub)

9. M. Piper*, P. A. Bhounsule and K. K. Castillo-Villar, How to beat Flappy Bird: A Mixed-integer Model Predictive Control Approach, ASME-Dynamics Systems and Controls Conference, October 11-13, 2017, Tysons Corner, Virginia, USA.  (click for video) (code on github)

8. P. A. Bhounsule, Control based on passive dynamic walking, Bioinspired Legged Locomotion: Models, Concepts, Control and Applications, 1st edition, Editors: Maziar Sharbafi and Andre Seyfarth. Publisher: Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2017,  ISBN. 9780128037744 (Book chapter).

7. P. A. Bhounsule and A Zamani*, A Discrete Control Lyapunov Function for Exponential Orbital Stabilization of the Simplest Walker, ASME Journal of Mechanism and Robotics Vol 9, No 5, 2017 doi:10.1115/1.4037440.

6. P. A. Bhounsule, Two benchmarks for optimization of legged robots – hybrid systems with impulse effects, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications and Algorithms, 24 (2017) 269-282.

5. P. A. Bhounsule, K.Yamane. Accurate Task-Space Tracking for Humanoids with Modeling Errors using Iterative Learning Control. Intl. Journal of Humanoid Robots, Vol. 14, No. 3 (2017) 1750015 DOI: 10.1142/S0219843617500153
Multimedia including video:

4. P. A. Bhounsule and A. Zamani*. Stable Bipedal Walking Motions with a Swing-Leg Protraction Strategy, Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 51, pp. 123 -- 127, 2017

3. A. Zamani* and P. A. Bhounsule. Foot Placement and Ankle Push-off Control for the Orbital Stabilization of Bipedal Robots IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vancouver, BC, Canada, September 24-28, 2017.

2. J. Krause* and P. A. Bhounsule, Variable Position and Force Control of a Pneumatically Actuated Knee Joint, ASME-International Design Engineering & Technical Conference, August 6-9, 2017, Cleveland, Ohio.

1. P.A. Bhounsule, D. Chaney, L. Claeys and R.D. Manteufel. Robotics service learning for improving learning outcomes and increasing community engagement, American Society of Engineering Education Gulf-South West Section, Dallas, Texas, USA, March 13-14, 2017.

7. P. A. Bhounsule, J. Pusey, C. Moussouni^, A comparative study of leg geometry for energy-efficient locomotion, IEEE  International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR), San Francisco, USA Dec 13-16, 2016.

6. P. A. Bhounsule, K. Yamane, A. Bapat, A task-level iterative learning control algorithm for accurate tracking in manipulators with modeling errors and stringent joint limits, ASME-Dynamics Systems and Controls Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA Oct 12-14, 2016.

5. P. A. Bhounsule, E. Ameperosa^, S. Miller^, K. Seay^, R. Ulep^,  Dead-beat control of walking for a torso-actuated rimless wheel using an event-based, discrete, linear controller, ASME-International Design Engineering & Technical Conference, Charlotte, NC, USA Aug 21–25, 2016.

4. A. Zamani*, P. A. Bhounsule and J. Hurst. Energy-efficient planning for dynamic legged robots on patterned terrain, Dynamic Walking 2016, Holly, Michigan, USA, June 4 - 7, 2016.

3. C. von Brecht^, B. Kramer^, P. A. Bhounsule, A. Jafari. An impulse actuator for high speed & high torque applications, Dynamic Walking 2016, Holly, Michigan, USA, June 4 - 7, 2016.

2. A. Zamani*, P. A. Bhounsule, A. Taha. Planning energy-efficient bipedal locomotion on patterned terrain. In Proc. SPIE 9837, Unmanned Systems Technology XVIII, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, April 20-21, 2016.

1. P.A. Bhounsule and R.D. Manteufel. Short video clips to increase student engagement in mechatronics, American Society of Engineering Education Gulf-South West Section, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, March 6-8, 2016.

4. P. A. Bhounsule, A. Ruina, G. Steissberg. Discrete Decision Continuous Actuation control: balance of an inverted pendulum and pumping a pendulum swing. ASME J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control 137(5), 051012 (2015) (9 pages) (video)

3. P. A. Bhounsule and K.Yamane. Iterative Learning Control for Accurate Task-Space Tracking with Humanoid Robots. IEEE-International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Seoul, South Korea, Nov 3-5, 2015.

2. R. Brothers^, R. De La Garza^, E. Sanchez^, C. Trevino^, P. A. Bhounsule, " Ein: A Modular Robotic Leg" Dynamic Walking 2015, Columbus, Ohio, USA.

1. S. Miller^, E. Ameperosa^, K. Seay^, R. Jovanni Ulep^, P. A. Bhounsule, " The Roadrunner: A 2-D Powered Rimless Wheel Robot for Energy-efficient and Rough Terrain Locomotion" Dynamic Walking 2015, Columbus, Ohio, USA.

4. P. A. Bhounsule. Foot placement in the simplest slope walker reveals a wide range of walking solutions. IEEE-Transactions on Robotics, Vol 30, Issue 5, June 2014.

3. P. A. Bhounsule. Numerical accuracy of two benchmark models of walking: the rimless wheel and the simplest walker. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications and Algorithms, vol. 21, pp 137--148, 2014. MATLAB file: rimlesswheel.m and simplestwalker.m.

2. P. A. Bhounsule. Control of a compass gait walker based on energy regulation using ankle push-off and foot placement. Robotica, pp. 1--11, June 2014.

1. P. A. Bhounsule, J. Cortell, A.Grewal, B. Hendriksen, J.G.D. Karssen, C. Paul, A. Ruina. Low-bandwidth reflex-based control for lower power walking: 65 km on a single battery charge. International Journal of Robotics Research, vol.33 no.10, 1305-1321, 2014. Extended appendix. Link to webpage. (video)

6. P. A. Bhounsule, K.Yamane. Iterative Learning Control for High-Fidelity Tracking of Fast Motions on Entertainment Humanoid Robots. IEEE-International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Georgia, USA Oct 15- 17, 2013.

5. P. A. Bhounsule, J. Cortell,  A. Ruina, How one might realize practical, energy-efficient legged robots: 19 thoughts/ideas from the Cornell Ranger project, Dynamic Walking 2012. (presentation slides | video)

4. P. A. Bhounsule, J. Cortell, A. Ruina, “ Design and control of Ranger: an energy-efficient, dynamics walking robot, Climbing and Walking Robots, 441--448, CLAWAR 2012, Maryland, USA. (Best paper in Biologically Inspired Robotics)

3. P. A. Bhounsule, A. Ruina, " Smooth discrete control of walking robots: An intermediate between fully passive and high bandwidth feedback control", Word Congress of Biomechanics 2010, Singapore (presentation slides)

2. P. A. Bhounsule, " Cornell ranger: Energy optimal control", Proceedings of Dynamic Walking 2009, Vancouver, Canada.

1. P. A. Bhounsule, " Cornell ranger: computer simulation and experimental fits", Proceeding of Dynamic Walking 2008, Delft, Netherland. (video)


T15. Abhishek_Kasaragod Dynamic Pick-and-place System For A Manipulator On A Quadruped Using Object Detection, MS Thesis, Mechanial Engineering, UIC, Aug. 2024.

T14. Venkata Chinthalapati Autonomous Navigation Of Quadruped Integrated With Manipulator, MS Thesis, Mechanial Engineering, UIC, Aug. 2024.

T13. Ernesto Hernandez Hinojosa Real-world Implementation of Simplified Dynamic Models for Bipedal Robot Control, PhD Thesis, Mechanial Engineering, UIC, Dec 2023.

T12. Ali Zamani,  Toward Enhancing Stability and Agility of Dynamically Balancing Legged Robots: A Data-Driven Approach, PhD Thesis, Mechanial Engineering, UIC, Dec 2020.

T11. Chinonso Ovuegbe, Parameter selection in the dynamic window approach robot collision avoidance algorithm using bayesian optimization, MS Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, UTSA May 2020.

T10. Justin Ernst, Tuning A Discrete Linear Quadratic Regulator Controller Using The Region Of Attraction For The Simplest Walker Model, MS Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, UTSA August 2019.

T9. Andrew Waterreus, Utilization Of Supervised And Reinforcement Learning in the Automation of the Classical Atari Game ``pong", MS Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, August UTSA 2019.

T8. Eric Sanchez, Rowdy Runner II: An Independently Actuated Rimless Wheel Robot, MS Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, December 2018.

T7. Ezra Ameperosa, Bolt Detection and Position Estimation using Domain Randomization, MS Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, August 2018 (video)

T6. Christian Trevino, A Miniature Size 3d Printed Linear Pneumatic Actuator For Robotic Applications. MS Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, December 2017.

T5. Geoffrey Chiou, Reducing The Variance Of Intrinsic Camera Calibration Results In The ROS Camera_Calibration Package, Mechanical Engineering, December 2017.

T4. Matthew Piper, How to beat Flappy Bird: A Mixed-Integer model predictive control apporach. MS Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, May 2017. (video)

T3. Abhishek A. Bapat, " Design, prototyping and testing of an autonomous robot with C shaped compliant legs: AbhisHex", MS Thesis, Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering, December 2016. (CAD files | photos | video)

T2. Christian L. Trevino, " Modern Day Advanced Manufacturing of Antique Toy Walkers", BS Thesis, Honors College, August 2015.

T1. P. A. Bhounsule, "A controller design framework for bipedal robots: Trajectory optimization and event-based stabilization", PhD Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, May 2012.

The thesis led to two world records on legged robots in 2011 which have both been broken in 2015 (see below):

1) The robot walked non-stop for 40.5 miles or 65 kms on a single charge without being touched or recharged (video)
This record has been surpassed by Chinese robot Xingzhe No.1 in 2015 walking a distance of 83 miles (~ 134 km) in 54 hrs.

2) The same robot (in a seperate trial) walked with Total Cost of Transport (TCOT = Energy used per unit weight per unit distance travelled) of 0.19 and marginally better then 0.2 achieved by Collins walker. Note that humans have a TCOT of 0.32.

* graduate student
^ undergraduate student

Last updated Nov. 29, 2024 by Pranav Bhounsule   
Website designed by Emily Phan